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Inclusion at Tile Cross Academy is embedded throughout the school’s processes and practices. Our vision is that all pupils should feel valued and supported, whilst recognising that we are all equal in a ‘Rights Respecting’ ethos, where students’ rights are ‘learned, understood and lived’. We have a needs based strategy, based on the SENCo and the Language Development Leader having extensive knowledge of each child. Pupils with additional needs have a ‘Pupil Passport’ or an ‘EAL Profile’, which supports class teachers with information and strategies to promote their academic progress, and social and emotional development. Our Inclusion team support pupils with SEND needs and EAL pupils to develop and deepen both their subject knowledge and subject expertise through both interventions and classroom support. Pupils are also supported to develop their independence, collaboration, resilience in line with our CORE skills.  Subject teachers are given training and advice on Quality First teaching, so that they can scaffold learning appropriately and meet pupil needs.  

The Inclusion faculty team are based in the ‘TLC’, where all teaching and learning interventions take place. The team consists of the SENCo, Language Development Leader and five Teaching Assistants. We run 1:1 and small group interventions for literacy, speech and language skills, language development and social and emotional development. Our team also lead on KS3 Lexia and Rapid Reading and the KS4 pathway for ESOL, Achieve and Asdan. Pupils are welcome in the TLC whenever they need support; the TLC exists to support, celebrate and nurture our wonderfully diverse school community at Tile Cross Academy. 

‘Since my daughter started Tile Cross Academy in 2018. , the support that has been put in place by the SEND team has been outstanding. They have catered for my daughters needs from the first day she started. I’m so glad that I picked Tile Cross for  my child's school. I don’t need to worry when she is in school as I know all her needs are being met.’   

Parent of a Year 10 pupil with SEND needs.