Charity Events

Total raised this academic year:


A cake sale held on Friday October 13th raised £169 for Mental Health Charities. Well done to the Inclusion Team.


Friday 27th October  was Wear it Pink Day at TCA for Breast Cancer Research. Staff wore items of pink to show their support and raised £165.

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On Friday 10th November we held a charity day for UNICEF Children of Gaza Crisis Appeal.

We ran a bake sale for students, a food sale for staff and had fun activities on the Astro.

We raised an incredible £720!


Christmas Jumper Day 2023 raised £77 for Save the Children!

Guess the number of sweets in the jar has raised £50 for Help Harry Help Others! The Easter raffle raised another £55 for HHHO, with Reception's bear naming raising another £45.


Comic Relief events on March 15th raised £350. Students had various fairground stalls to win prizes at as well as the traditional top bin challenge.



Non-uniform and Culture Day has raised £245 for Help Harry Help Others!


Total raised for charity in previous academic years:   

2022/23: £1843