
2024 Results Collection

Year 11 GCSE/BTEC results will be available to collect on Thursday 22nd August from 09:30am -11:30am.

Year 10 results will be posted home.


Post-Results Services (PRS): Deadlines, Fees and Charges

Information from the JCQ PRS publication summarising the post-results services offered by the JCQ member awarding bodies can be found here.

Download the post-results services: request, consent, and payment form here          

Who can submit a request for a review?

Appeals for internal candidates must be submitted by the head of centre. A head of centre can appeal against the outcome of a clerical re-check, a review of marking or a review of moderation.

When providing their consent to a clerical re-check or review of marking, a candidate also confirms that they understand that the outcome of any subsequent appeal might be that their final subject grade and/or mark may be lower than, higher than, or stay the same as the result which was originally awarded.

Please note that internal candidates and/or their parents/carers are not entitled to appeal directly to the awarding body. Representations must be made to the head of centre where the candidate was entered or registered. The head of centre’s decision as to whether to proceed with an appeal is subject to the centre’s internal appeals arrangements.

Exam Information for Candidates

Examinations are a crucial part of education for all students. The process can be a stressful and worrying time, however the key to a successful exam period is to be prepared, understand what is expected of you, revise well and do the best you can.

If students or parents have any queries or need help or advice at any time before, during or after the exams please contact:

The Examinations Officer – Miss K Pall – kpall@tilecross.academy

Examination Regulations

The awarding bodies (exam boards) have strict rules which must be followed for the conduct of exams and Tile Cross Academy is required to follow them precisely.  Students should therefore pay particular attention to the documents below produced by the Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) and updated annually.


Examinations Date  
Exams Complaints and appeals procedure exams 2024 01st May 2024 Download
Exams Whistleblowing Policy 2024 01st May 2024 Download
Data protection policy exams 2024 01st May 2024 Download
Non Examination Assessment Policy 2024 01st May 2024 Download
Exams Word Processor Policy 2024 01st May 2024 Download
Exams Special Consideration Policy 2024 01st May 2024 Download
Exams Recording Policy 2024 01st May 2024 Download
Exams Policy 2024 01st May 2024 Download
Exams Malpractice Policy 2024 01st May 2024 Download
Exams Lockdown Policy 2024 01st May 2024 Download
Exams Internal Appeals Procedures Policy 2024 01st May 2024 Download
Exams Equlities Policy 2024 01st May 2024 Download
Exams Emergency Evacuation Policy 2024 01st May 2024 Download
Exams Contingency Policy 2024 01st May 2024 Download
Exams Conflicts of Interest Policy 2024 01st May 2024 Download
Exams Archiving Policy 2024 01st May 2024 Download
Exams Access Arrangements Policy 2024 01st May 2024 Download
Escalation Process 2024 01st May 2024 Download
Warning to Candidates 2022 23 01st May 2024 Download
Unauthorised Items poster 01st May 2024 Download
Exam Advanced Information 2024 01st May 2024 Download
Summer 2024 Exams Info 01st May 2024 Download
Information for Candidates On Screen Tests 11th May 2023 Download
Information for Candidates Coursework 11th May 2023 Download
Information for Candidates Non Examined Assessment 11th May 2023 Download
Information for Candidates Social Media 11th May 2023 Download
Information for Candidates Written Exams 11th May 2023 Download
Information for Candidates Privacy Notice 11th May 2023 Download
Exam Timetable Summer 2024 01st May 2023 Download
BTEC POLICY 2023 23rd Oct 2023 Download
Information for Candidates Preparing to sit your exams 11th May 2023 Download