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School Vision & Ethos
Tile Cross Academy is a small and caring 11-16 mixed comprehensive school that was created on 1st May 2017 and is part of Washwood Heath Multi Academy Trust. We have high expectations for our students in which they develop through the use of our CORE skills. We aim to provide a high quality education in an atmosphere of mutual respect where each individual is valued as an important member of our school community.

Quality of Education
Our ambitious curriculum will engage and stimulate our learners and develop their knowledge and skills to achieve high quality outcomes.
Our learners will:
- Experience a fun, diverse and challenging curriculum.
- Develop their independence, collaboration, resilience in line with our CORE skills
- Be supported and challenged as they aim to reach their true potential
- Be literate enabling them to access the wider world
Behaviour, Attitudes and Personal Development
Our culture and environment will empower each child to develop the attitudes and characteristics to thrive, enabling them to be the best version of themselves.
Our children will:
- Grow through our PHSE&C and Topic Days, modelling British Values
- Increase their confidence by embracing a variety of skills, knowledge and understanding through a broad and balanced curriculum
- Understand how their behaviours and attitudes impacts on theirs and other children’s progress within a supportive, caring and inclusive environment
- Anticipate and experience being praised and rewarded as well as experience sanctions and support when they fall short of our standards
- Understand their rights and responsibilities to themselves and others
- Understand their roles within a cohesive, diverse community, celebrating our equalities and diversity
- Prosper through understanding the needs and requirements of a healthy lifestyle
- Be shaped for their future, their studies, their careers and their lives as adults
Leadership and Management
Leadership and management at every level and in all aspects visions, focuses and directs structures, organisation and actions to the benefit of children and colleagues.
As a result:
- Alignment with central trust services is essential, allowing for collaboration across all services that support our school and ensuring we are successfully working with the parameters offered by the MAT, ensuring value for money, allowing excellent outcomes for children and working successfully within our sequence of schools
- Clarity and communication on new initiatives, allowing concepts and ideas to embed, with a supportive monitoring and assurance system; making sure that organisational planning understands and reflects the well-being of colleagues
- Wellbeing at the heart of how we lead; looking after our colleagues and our children is key to a supportive, productive environment, making sure that we generate a compassionate environment
- We create a sense of community for all, embracing children, families and colleagues; maximising use of facilities to generate a verve and interest in the school, with the potential to generate an income
- Governance and the wider MAT leadership is clear and open to input from children, families and colleagues
Our Motto
We value our education. Our attitude towards school is always positive. Our positive attitudes mean that we can make progress.
We are confident and self-assured. We take pride in our work, our school and our appearance. We are positive about our futures and we will be successful in whatever path we choose.
We are ready and willing to grasp the opportunities available to us. We will make a valuable contribution to the world of work and society in general. We develop our values, skills and attributes to become good citizens and lifelong learners.
Washwood Heath Multi Academy Trust Vision and Values
Learning to succeed is what Washwood Heath Multi Academy Trust is about: a passion for and love of learning with the drive and motivation to succeed.
Our aim is for students to fulfil their limitless potential through perseverance and effort, to recognise that excellence is a habit not an act (Aristotle). Staff are highly trained and here to support, guide and inspire students to continue their learning after school and when they do leave our schools, to do so with the confidence to see the world as an opportunity.
We aim to provide the best opportunities for learning and a climate within which a sense of moral responsibility is clear and that each child recognises that humanity and the common good is a key aim for all.
We have four pillars for success:
Students who achieve in the top 20% of similar schools, who go on to fulfil their highest aspiration and are seen as ambassadors for the school and positive role models in the community.
Staff for whom we are the employer of choice, providing a great place in which to work and an environment where they can be the best.
Parents/Carers who know that Washwood Heath Multi Academy Trust really cares about their children, recognise that it has effective strategies to meet individual needs and for whom the School is the natural choice to entrust the education of their children.
A Community for whom we are a partner of choice which improve outcomes locally, regionally, nationally and globally.
By the time our students leave the Washwood Heath Multi Academy Trust they will be literate, numerate confident young people with high aspirations, independent learning skills and a sense of moral responsibility.