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The Science Department at Tile Cross Academy aims to develop students who enjoy science, gain life-long enthusiasm for the process of scientific discovery and understanding of how the world around us works. Students will make outstanding progress and gain the best currency in terms of qualifications and curriculum experience. The learners are taught the depth and breadth of theoretical and experimental science, while obtaining the scientific skills required, to proceed and study science at A Level and beyond.

Structure of the Course:

KS3 Science at TCA is a program designed to enthuse and stimulate curiosity in our learners. Pupils are engaged in a variety of activities be it practical or theoretical. The course is based on the Exploring Science Programme of Study and matches the requirements of the National Curriculum. It builds on the students’ scientific knowledge and understanding from KS2.In Year 9 pupils have the opportunity to revisit and build upon key concepts. Transition lessons are embedded within the course to ensure that the foundations of knowledge that the pupils have gained from KS3 are secure thus enabling the pupils to make progress.

In KS4, pupils continue the study of GCSE science and will be able to take one of the three pathways offered, which are GCSE (9-1) Triple Sciences, GCSE 9-1 Combined Science or Entry Level Science. The triple science course is a popular choice which continues to build momentum among our students of which the aim is to gain a qualification in each of the three science disciplines: Biology, Chemistry and Physics. The Combined Science pathway offers the pupils an opportunity to graduate with two grades in Science. Pupils following the Entry Level Science route will gain a certificate at the end of the course graded between level 1 and 3.

Throughout both key stages, students have regular opportunities to develop and embed subject knowledge and expertise, through retrieval practice, assessment practice, extended writing and practical work. . The development of subject expertise enables the students to work scientifically while  enhancing  their disciplinary skills. Independent Learning skills are taught and pupils respond well to the provision of home learning tasks.


Pupils at Tile Cross Academy enjoy science and thus are motivated to achieve especially with the Triple Science cohort who – year on year have performed well, with the percentage of pupils graduating with a grade 5+ higher than the national average. As part of enrichment, pupils can also take part in various science based learning visits, presentations and stem club activities that are run through the course of the year.


Students are assessed on their skills as well as their knowledge. This includes the ability to plan and safely carry out experiments, as well as having the resilience with which to analyse and evaluate the evidence they have collected. Assessment is carried out regularly by teachers; looking at class work and offering targets for improvement as well as more formal projects and tests to allow progress to be tracked.

The Team: The Faculty is fully staffed with 8 Teaching colleagues and one Science Technician.

Location: The Science department is located in the Martineau block and comprises of 5 Laboratories, a lecture theatre and 2 preparation rooms. All laboratories are well equipped and have been renovated.


“The whole art of teaching is only the art of awakening the natural curiosity of young minds for the purpose of satisfying it afterwards”   

Anatole France (1920)