Gardening Club

 Image result for gardening clip art     TCA Gardening Club       welcome change CIC

The Inclusion faculty has built a great relationship with the Welcome Change gardening project. We have been sending groups of pupils over all last year, and are really pleased to be continuing the project in the 2019/20 academic year.

The pupils have been delighted to watch their strawberry plants, sunflowers and potatoes growing. They also love collecting the eggs from the chickens and playing with the rabbit and hamster. The project is a great opportunity for us to talk to the pupils, for them to develop their social skills with each other and to have some therapeutic time in a calm, natural setting.

Thanks must go to Angela (our link worker), Mrs Al Monsur and  Hyatt (City Year Mentor) for taking the pupils to the project in all weathers and making it such a positive place for our pupils to be.

Welcome Change in the News

Posted in Enrichment